My name is Archie

Archie from the wild meadows

I should introduce myself here, but just take a look at me ! What is there to introduce? Don‘t pictures say it all? So much more than words!

My mistress, together with our tom cat Strolch and not to forget our horse Poncy and I all live in the North of Germany in idyllic village surroundings. And what‘s more, we are perfectly happy there! I love to jump across the meadows, swim in the nearby lake and generally spend my time hunting for dickybirds in the hedges and bushes. I always accompany my mistress to the horse stables where I get along very well with everyone. During the training sessions I keep a watchful eye on everyone.

I love to go stalking. And if I catch up with my own like-minded friends on one of our walks then it is the highlight of the day. You should see us chasing each other wildly and having a good rumble tumble on the meadows!

I have an affectionate and fearless temperament, so I respond well to strangers. I walk up to them easily with my broad dog-grin. But I am also a clever johnny! I am smart enough to sense what I need to understand and what people expect of me.

I just love to cuddle and curl up- I do this to such perfection that our tom cat Strolch is often green with jealousy! Barking is not my style in general, but if I sense that something is not right and I need to get active, then I can turn into a right little monster. My family means everything to me as you may have caught on by now. So that's enough for now. It‘s time to trot out into the grounds and start my bird hunting. What a life!

Wuff Wuff!

more impressions

Facts & Information

Dog name Archie von den Rauhen Wiesen Breed Stud Finnish Lapdog
Date of birth 27.12.2014 Gender Male
Mother Ann-Smilla Xenium ( Father Leroy Du Jardin De Laponie
Siblings 6 Coat colour Brown with patches
Height approx. 52 cm Body length approx. 58 cm
Chest approx. 27 cm Girth approx. 74 cm
Overall shape well proportioned stud Build strong, well balanced
Coat colour brown with patches Temperament open, friendly, affectionate
Pigment brown, strong General overview excellent (responds well to people, devoted)
Expression very male Bone structure medium/moderate
Muscles strong/ powerful    
Head strong Teeth Full scissor bite
Eyes oval Irregularities none
Colour of eyes both eyes brown Ears set high, erect, upright
Neck medium length, muscular Back even, firm
Tail/Tail piece set high, carried over the back front legs/fore legs parallel,slightly obliquely mounted shoulders
back legs/hind legs perfectly angled, ankle moderately deep Paws oval, well closed
Gait peppy with plenty of drive Hair type typical of the breed
Parents Grandparents Great-grandparents Great-Great-grandparents
Leroy Du Jardin de Laponie Tachetee Cuklaaonni Mopedimuorin Ekha Hihitan Ch. Lecibsin Haitari
Ikkimuiston Fiona Tolli
Haavuoren Terhakka Anar Villi Joikhu Tehopakkaus
Haavuoren Hahtu
Geisha Fihtolas Caius Taapanterin Jumbo
Shacai Jasmi
Finda Tina Kello Ilmo
Finda Daisy
Ann-Smilla Xenium Lapinlumon Pakkasherra Lupu Ch. Jäkälakummun Esim-Erkki
Shacal Tahmatassu Rahhkis Höppänä
Shacal Sokosti
Plymspireas Diza Lukumon Conn Lukumon Bure
Janmanin Barbarella
Fairdogs Eloisa Raiddokas Vipinä
Raiddokas USVA
3. Place open class - World Dog Show Leipzig 2017 Judge's report/Judge's report
Best of Breed - 14th international breed dog exhibition in Rostock 2017 Judge's report | Certificate | Certificate
Youth Champion - 12th international breed dog exhibition in Rostock 2015 Judge's report | Certificate

11088 walks

1108.8 kg of Food

ADDRESSMs. Silke Schildt
Neu Schlagsdorfer Allee 21
19067 Dobin am See, Germany

TELEPHONE +49 (0)174 / 98 44 317